New Decade. New Site. New Beginnings.

I’m a huge fan of new beginnings. Before my wife Ady and I even had our first child, we decided that every morning we would ask them, “who are you today?” I have always felt there is great power in the recognition that our minds can recreate who we are by cutting ties with the baggage we carry with us...the story that we have written with our own inner dialogue for the memorable length of our existence. The ability to redefine ourselves in an instant, to ask “who am I,” and respond with a totality of thought and presence...that ability would allow us to truly live into our best life. And that it doesn’t take years to achieve. It can be immediate.
It is with that spirit that I have always tried to redefine myself and constantly work toward new goals. Or, even if the goal is not a new one, to continue to move ever step closer to whatever grand dream I have envisioned. Where I am currently at with the development of my own personal project BEORN is indeed a huge step toward my own personal vision of who I am as a creator, and what I believe my stories will be in the world. But, as is often the case, I was not fully in control of how that accomplishment arrived.
The support I have received over the last month during the crowdfunding campaign for my first book has been unbelievable. And I say truly...I couldn’t believe it. Even now, with the hours counting down, I cannot believe what has happened. I cannot believe how people have turned out to support this project.
Some are friends and family. Some of those have heard me tell Beorn’s story, in whole or part, and have an idea of what is coming, and they believe in what is to come. Others only know it will be fun, and lively, and trust me to tell a good story. And still some of those close to me could care less about comics, even MY comic...they are here to support ME.
Others who have turned out to support my work are complete strangers who found the project one way or another and have come along to enjoy the show. I’ve already had a lot of people tell me this is the comic that has them excited to get back to collecting, or it spoke to them because of how it reminds them of one thing or another they loved from their childhood. No matter how or why folks have turned out to support BEORN, I am eternally grateful.
And I am nervous! I really did not plan for this to happen. I planned to do a small Kickstarter to publish the first issue of my saga, and then build from there. I wanted to learn the ins and outs of running a campaign before getting to my “bigger” books. Well, this is how goals work sometimes. You don’t get to decide when you achieve them. You only get to decide how you will work to make it happen. And what you do with what the universe gives you. I like to say, she doesn’t necessarily give you what you want, but she always gives you what you need.
And this brings me back to my new beginnings. The response to the project is undeniable, and I feel it would be greatly irresponsible of me to not embrace that response...that excitement. After all, it is a mirror of my own excitement, my own belief in what Beorn’s saga really is.
This new site, the blog, the newsletter, the webcomic, the shop...whatever other features we are opening up in the near my next step toward building and embracing the community that I believe will grow around BEORN. This project will unfold over time. It is definitely an epic, worthy of the Sagas themselves, I think. I’m excited to share his tale with you all, and I want this site to be a place we can come together. I’m looking forward to sharing with you, thoughts, inspiration, news, and occasionally a pic or two of my one year old shield maiden Eva. Hahaha!
As Beorn’s saga unfolds, though, rather than wait until it has grown to its full potential, this site allows us, the ones who have been here since the beginning, a place to share our joy and excitement. Now. Not later. Let’s enjoy being here together at this most amazing first step in Beorn’s journey.
So, crack open a beverage of your choice and raise a glass to new beginnings with me!