Working, Painting, and Fanart

Howdy folks!
I've been painting lots of fanart lately. I started doing it as a means to test out my traditionally inking skills. I inked the first Beorn book digitally, so I hadn't been inking with my brush for awhile. I always wanted to ink Beorn traditionally, but never really felt good enough to tackle the pages. But, I'm moving in that direction! And getting to do these pictures lately has been really inspiring for me. I like how I ink. There are things I need to work on...plenty of mistakes I see on just about every picture I finish. But, it's "good enough." And that's important.
I learned a long time ago to not hold myself back just because I couldn't be as good at something as I want. It's especially tough to not hold ourselves to the same standards as the masters we admire and aspire to. That's ridiculous! But we do it anyway. I do it.
Getting to do some fanart and just practice my inking (and now m painting again, too) has been awesome, and I'm really looking forward to inking the next Beorn book traditionally. Seeing those big inked pages once they're all done (for better or worse) has always been part of my goal in creating these books. Here we go!
Here's some of the paintings I've done lately. I am posting the original art in the shop every Tuesday, if anyone is interested in owning one of the original paintings!